Major Medical Insurance for Your Horse
Major medical coverage is designed to help the horse owner pay for veterinary bills resulting from accidents, injuries, illnesses and disease the horse may contract. It is available as an endorsement (addition) to the full mortality and theft policy and cannot be purchased by itself. Major medical is available in limits from $7500 up to $15,000 per horse per year. It applies to any condition requiring veterinary treatment, including surgery. Examples of conditions covered by major medical are: colic, EPM, laminitis/founder, respiratory surgery and respiratory or breathing treatment, viruses, and lameness. It does not cover routine care.
There are certain exclusions which apply, including but not limited to any and all treatments of Adequan, Legend and other corticosteroids, whether for therapeutic purposes or not.
Racehorses and horses which are under 30 days of age or over 20 years old are not eligible for major medical coverage.
Premiums and deductibles differ by company. We will discuss the advantages of each program with you when you call, and choose the plan that works best for your needs and budget.
Get a Quote
Give us a call or stop by our office to discuss the insurance coverage(s) you are interested in.
We'll provide you with an estimated premium and discuss the best insurance options for your
specific needs.
877-634-7551 (IL) • 877-695-1233 (NY)